Thursday, September 10, 2009

What I Think of Our New Literacy

While watching the video, The Machine Is Us/ing Us, I noticed that the video said that we are teaching the machine, I then realized that this is true. We teach a computer new words when it believes that we have misspelled it, and we also teach a telephone, or cellphone, a new number. The video also says that text is all around hyper, which is also agreeable. text seems to be faster then writing out a word because all that needs to be done is to push buttons on a keypad.

In Clive Thompson's The New Literacy, he mentions that an English professor in London text, video and PowerPoint are, "bleak, bald, sad shorthand," but I believe that these items and more could help students, teachers, presidents, and other people get a better grasp of literacy. The story also mentions that before the Internet, people would only write if it was a school assignment or a job qualification. Now that we have this technology, we will write, or type, more than one paragraph even if we are just talking about our day on Facebook or Twitter.

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